stunt man

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stunt man

更新时间:2024-09-20 06:28:45

英 [stʌnt mæn]

美 [stʌnt mæn]

stunt man基本解释



第三人称复数:stunt men

  • 英英释义
  • 网络解释


1. a stand-in for movie stars to perform dangerous stunts

e.g. his first job in Hollywood was as a double for Clark Gable

Synonym: doublestunt woman

1. stunt man什么意思

1. 特技替身演员:double, stand-in 替身演员 | stunt man 特技替身演员 | extra, walker-on 临时演员

2. 特技演员:councilor议员 | stunt man 特技演员 | usher 引座员,招待员

3. 拍摄危险场面时的替身演员:stunt girl 女明星的替身,替身中的女性? | stunt man 拍摄危险场面时的替身演员? | super-numerary (电影)无声配角演员?


4. 男替身:Still photographer 剧照摄影师 | Stunt man 男替身 | Stunt player 特技演员

  • 近义词
  • 临近词
They are engineers, an artist and a stunt man, along with Buddhist pilgrims, vacationers and commuters.(他们之中有工程师,一位艺术家和一位特技演员,以及佛教徒,观光客和上班族。)
A baboon doing a back flip, a stunt man perfecting his fight scene, an Olympic athlete dancing the tango.(一只狒狒正在做后空翻,一位特技演员正在完成高空镜头,一名奥林匹克运动员正在跳探戈。)
He seldom USES a stunt man even for some dangerous thins scenes.(他即使很危险的镜头也很少用替身演员。)
And that actor who was seriously injured while performing an aerial stunt in the Spider-man musical in New York is walking again.(在纽约蜘蛛人音乐剧中表演空中特技时严重受伤的演员,现在能走路了。)
Oy, did you see that bloody stunt car driver go up in flames? He must be sixes and sevens man!(你看见那个特技车手飞跃火焰了吗?他一定是疯了。)
The British stunt man Eddie Kidd jumped over the Great Wall of China on a motorcycle.(英国特技表演者埃迪·基德骑摩托车飞越了中国长城。)
Yakima Canutt was a famous cowboy stunt man.(雅基玛·坎努特是一位著名的牛仔特技演员。)
Man: I'm a stunt man. I wrestle alligators underwater, and lions and tigers on land. I leap off cliffs and jump from tall buildings. Lady: My goodness! How do you manage to stay alive?(男人:我是个特级演员,我在水下和鳄鱼搏斗,在地上和狮子老虎搏斗,我跳下悬崖和高楼。)
I'm the stunt man today.(我今天是特技男人。)
I'm been in my movie business almost all my life. As an actor, director, producer, stunt coordinator, but I still consider myself as a stunt man.(我一生从事电影事业,当过演员、导演、监制和特技统筹,但我仍自视为特技人。)
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